Wheelwright Lane Primary School
Wheelwright Lane Primary School Logo

Nursery Staff and Governors

Our Nursery Staff

Ms C JacksonNursery Lead, SENDCo, DSL
Miss Tanif GibbsDeputy Nursery Manager, SENDCo, DSL
Miss Cherry MerilloEarly Years Educator
Ms Jode PearceEarly Years Educator
Mrs Natalie WIlliamsEarly Years Educator
Mrs Mary PinderForest School Leader

Our Nursery Governors

NameType of Governor
Mr D GroveChair of Governors, LA Governor
Mr A AhmedVice-Chair, Co-opted Governor
Mrs L GregoryCo-opted Governor
Mr J MoleParent Governor
Mrs S PerryHeadteacher
Ms C JacksonStaff Governor (Nursery Leader)
Mrs L BoffeyClerk to the Governing Body

Some of our Nursery Governors are also governors of the school.