Wheelwright Lane Primary School
Wheelwright Lane Primary School Logo

Nursery SEND Information

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Wheelwright Lane Nursery is an inclusive setting and we welcome children with Special Educational Needs.

If you need any further information please contact school and ask to talk to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo).

We are keen to support every child and where necessary seek out appropriate advice and training from professionals and outside agencies.

Supporting your child when they leave Wheelwright Lane Nursery

When your child is moving to another nursery or school we will work with you and the new setting to support a smooth transition. This will include the timely transfer of records and contacting the school’s SENDCo to share information.

In some cases a transition meeting will be held with parents/carers and all professionals involved including the receiving setting’s SENDCo to pass on information and make transition arrangements.

Staff from the new setting may also visit Wheelwright Lane Nursery.

Support for Parents and Families of Children with SEN or Disabilities

Warwickshire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDias) provides information and support to parents whose children have special educational needs. They provide accurate and neutral information on the full range of options available to parents.

You can read more on the Family Action website

Our Nursery Inclusion Policy can be found on our Policies and Documents page.