Wheelwright Lane Primary School
Wheelwright Lane Primary School Logo

Nursery Introduction

Welcome to Wheelwright Lane Nursery. We provide day care and education for children from the term they turn three years old until they are ready to start school.

Wheelwright Lane Nursery was established in 2015 by the Governors of the School to provide the children and families of the local community with a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and begin their educational journey.

The Nursery is located in a purpose built building on the site of Wheelwright Lane School in Ash Green. The Nursery is led and managed by the School Governors and is an integral part of the school.

The Nursery sessions are led by highly qualified staff. Most children start in the term after their third birthday. Some children start earlier if there are places available.

At present all three and four year olds are entitled to 15 funded education hours each week and we also offer 30 hours free childcare funded places for eligible working families. Please speak to our Nursery Lead for guidance on how to claim your child’s 30 hour code if you think you may be eligible. Additionally we have a limited number of 2 help funded spaces available please see Time at Nursery page for more information regarding this.

The Nursery provides state funded (15/30 hours) core sessions between 8.45am and 3.15pm.The Nursery offers an additional wraparound service from 7.45 to 8.45am and 3.15 to 6.00pm at £5 per hour. Many sessional packages are available to suit your family’s needs. Please find more information regarding our times and activities on our Time at Nursery page.

Indoor learning at Nursery
Nursery children playing outside in the wet weather
Indoor play at Nursery
Learning to use a pen in Nursery
Cutting up vegetables in Nursery
Learning how to plant in Nursery

Vision Statement

Our vision for Wheelwright Lane Nursery is that we are able to support children, families and staff to achieve their dreams. We believe that each child is a unique individual who has the potential to grow.

It is our role to provide children in our care with a caring, friendly, and secure environment which is also challenging and stimulating; where they can learn and grow in body, mind and spirit.

Everyone has the right to reach their full potential surrounded by people who believe in them. We recognise the importance for children to be surrounded by people who nurture them to become well rounded, motivated learners who are confident in their own abilities.


Our aims are for everyone:

  • To respect and be respected – this will be achieved through high quality interactions modelled by our experienced staff, enabling the children to treat and accept others opinions and beliefs sensitively.
  • To listen and to be listened to – this will be achieved through daily opportunities for the children and families to share home and school experiences; circle time activities, profile books and dedicated individual key workers.
  • To have a voice that is heard and to hear the voice of others – this will be achieved through providing a curriculum that engages their curiosity and allows them to express their ideas about their learning. We aim to enable all children to develop as curious, inquisitive learners.
  • To feel a sense of belonging so that in turn they can engage in positive relationships with others – this will be achieved by recognising that our children come from a variety of different families and communities of which the nursery is part, and to provide opportunities for them to share their unique experiences within a well planned curriculum.
  • To provide children with a rich variety of experiences – this will be achieved through a wide variety of planned and spontaneous experiences relevant to their own lives, interests and the communities they live in. We also recognise that our children need opportunities to experience the wider world through multi-cultural activities, arts and music.
  • Foster a close relationship with staff and children in main school – so enabling a smooth transition from Nursery and Reception to Year 1.