Santa Visited!
The children were all very excited today because, despite the rain, a very special visitor came to visit!
Last of the Sunshine
Pupils were enjoying the last few days of Autumn sunshine.
Pupils Enjoy Being Together Again!
First full week back at school and all the pupils are settling into their class and phase bubbles.Hopefully good winter weather will mean they can get outside as often as possible. We are really lucky to have so many play areas and field space.
Tommy Presentations
Our school did us proud with the many and varied contributions to Bedworth’s ‘Tommy WW1 Book of Remembrance.’...
Whole School Poetry Slam
All the years in the school from Nursery to Year 6 had great fun practising and learning a poem to perform for a special assembly on Friday 10th February. The poems were on a range of subjects from cats to chocolate cake.Everyone performed magnificently and made all...
Remembrance Day: There But Not There
We were joined today for an armistice assembly by representatives from Bedworth Lions they brought with them a full-sized Tommy, entitled ‘There but not There’.The full size statue commemorates the fallen of WW1 and is yet another reminder of the fact that...
Evacuation Experience Day
When the children arrived at school today, they were rushed into the hall, as wartime evacuation had begun! We had to stand as smart as possible to we could be billeted, and so our prospective foster parents would want us.Read the full report of our Evacuation...