Years 3 and 4 at the Hindu Temple
Children in Years 3 and 4 spent a fascinating morning at the Hindu Temple. They listened really well and learnt about Hindu worship and prayer. They had lots of questions and really enjoyed their visit....
Year 3 Learn About Christingle
Year 3 have enjoyed learning about the symbolism of the Christingle. They particularly enjoyed making their own Christingles… and eating the sweets!
Year 6 Meet the Police Forensics Officers
Year 6 spent a really interesting afternoon with the police. They learnt about the work of forensics officers and carried out some forensics investigations of their own.
Year 1 Meet the Lazy Farmer
The children in Year 1 have been reading the book ‘Farmer Duck’ by Martin Wardell which tells the story of a very lazy farmer. They were lucky enough to receive a visit from him and had lots of questions to ask him about his lazy ways!
Reception Digging Around
Encouraging pupils to get outside and do some digging, first to tidy up the pupil entrance to the school and after to work in the school allotment!
Year 5 Assembly
Year 5 performed their class assembly for their parents.They told us all about their learning this half term; rivers and life cycles of creatures who live near on in the water. They performed music on the recorders and sang their own rendition of ‘Messing About On The...
Nursery Autumn Walk
Nursery went for a fabulous walk this morning. It was our first really Autumnal day this year which was perfect.Read more in our Autumn Walk Report